
Spanish Dermatologist Recommends Cleaning This Crucial Body Part First When You Enter the Shower

BTN News: The perfect shower routine might seem simple, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and leading dermatologists, many of us are getting it wrong. The ideal shower should be brief—no longer than five minutes—with lukewarm water, and should avoid using a sponge. The soap used should be gentle and respect the skin’s natural pH. However, there’s more to it than just speed and soap selection. Dermatologists like Sergio Alique García, from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), emphasize not only the temperature and duration but also the sequence in which we cleanse our bodies.

Alique suggests that to maximize the effectiveness of our showers, we should start from the top and work our way down. This means the first step should be washing your hair, applying shampoo thoroughly, and allowing it to work its magic before rinsing. If you use a conditioner, this should be applied next. While the conditioner is setting in your hair, you can move on to cleansing your body. Start with your torso, then move to your arms, and finish with your legs. This top-to-bottom approach allows the water to carry dirt and impurities downwards, ensuring that you’re not re-contaminating areas you’ve already cleaned.

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Paying particular attention to areas like the ankles and feet is crucial, as these zones are often neglected but can harbor a surprising amount of microorganisms. Properly cleansing these regions ensures that you are eliminating potential sources of bacteria and fungi that could lead to infections.

By following these expert recommendations, you can ensure your shower routine is not only quick and efficient but also beneficial to your skin’s health. This method doesn’t just save time; it also aligns with dermatological advice for maintaining clean and healthy skin. A quick, methodical, and top-to-bottom shower is the best approach for both your skin and your schedule.

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