
Essential HVAC Maintenance Tips for Homeowners During Heat Waves

BTN News: As the temperatures continue to rise, many homeowners realize how reliant they are on their well-maintained HVAC to keep their cool. Reluctance to tune up that HVAC system can mean both a long wait and utter discomfort when the temperatures reach over 100 with heat index numbers that are even higher, even into the top 120s with some humidity-derived statistics. Warren Lupson, a 40-year veteran of the HVAC industry and an adjunct professor at Montgomery College, brings you all the tips you need to ensure your system runs as smoothly as possible when the temperatures spike. How to Keep Your Home Cool All Summer: Routine maintenance, the best technician for the job, and more to help you beat the heat this summer.

Scheduled Heating / Air Maintenance, A Must For Homeowners

Schedule Biannual Inspections

Preventing Breakdowns During Extreme Weather through HVAC Maintenance Lupson suggests checking and servicing your system twice a year. By being proactive in this way, these potential issues can be addressed before they turn into a problem when your system is under maximum number of users.

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Choose Qualified Technicians

Hire a licensed and insured (if it is required by your local regulation) HVAC technician. Lupson suggests, “You want to make sure your companies are licensed and insured for where you are getting-move companies in Maryland/D.C./Virginia have different licensing requirements.

Improving the Efficiency of Your Outdoor HVAC Unit

Unobstructed Unit Area

Homeowners are also reminded of the need to keep their outdoor HVAC compressor clean and unobstructed. Drygrass clippings, wet leaves, or the blades will restrict airflow that in turn limit the performance. Lupson says to make sure there is sufficient clearance around the unit for technicians to work easily.

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Enhancing Indoor Airflow

Don’t Cover Up Registers or Over It

Make sure you are not blocking airflow from registers, for example with furniture or other objects, inside your home. Couches that block the registers are a common problem Lupson sees, where the system ends up cooling the couch – not the room. This not only lowers the efficiency, it also results in an imprecise cooling.

Selection and Retain of the Type of Filter

Choose the Right Filters

Regularly changing air filters is essential in keeping your HVAC system working fine. The best air filter for your furnace would seem to be a high-rated filter to trap the most dust and dirt, but those high-rated filters might too overtax your motor, depending upon the system. Lupson recommends looking to the manufacturer’s recommendations or asking your technician for the right MERV (Minimum Efficiency Rating Value) rating for your filters.

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How to Use a Smart Thermostat and Tips

All temperatures are comfortable. And comfortable temperatures are set and maintained.

Do not drop the thermostat a significant amount or at all on the hottest days of the year when you get home. HVAC units create an environment 12-15 degrees cooler than the outside. Some people may also suggest turning your thermostat up and down, but I say, just pick an optimal temperature and leave your thermostat alone-thereby avoiding working your system too hard.

Utilize Window Shades

Keeping blinds or shades closed during peak daytime hours can also cool indoor areas. By doing this small task, you can help take at least some of the load off of your HVAC system and give your whole family some relief from the heat.

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