
SEM Scholars Win First Place and Honorable Mention at 8th International Medical Education Congress

BTN News: The Faculty of Medicine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has shown its excellence in medical education and research. At the VIII International Congress on Medical Education, organized by the Mexican Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (AMFEM) in June, their outstanding work was recognized. This event celebrated important contributions and advancements in medical education from various institutions, focusing on quality and innovation.

Leading the team was Alejandra Navarro Escalera. Her team won first place for their project titled “Methodology for the Evaluation of Academic Progress in the Theoretical Phase of the Bachelor of Surgeon Degree.” This project was a collaborative effort, involving contributions from Kate Arisbeth Navarro Escalera, Carlos Alberto Soto Aguilera, Amilcar Alpuche Hernández, Ana Ivette Mondragón Pineda, and Antonio Cerritos. Their project looked into the detailed process used to create exams, which is crucial for evaluating medical students’ progress.

Alejandra Navarro Escalera explained that their research showed the complete process of making exams, including using a table of specifications and a taxonomy of cognitive operations. This structured approach ensures that exams are thorough and accurately measure different skills. The team’s methodology follows recommendations from well-known experts and institutions, such as Haladyna and Rodríguez, and the National Board of Medical Examiners. These sources offer a strong foundation for developing high-quality exams.

The process begins with the creation and approval of initial questions by a technical medical committee. These questions are then reviewed by a team of psychologists who check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that the distractors (incorrect options) are realistic but clearly different from the correct answers. This step is vital for maintaining the exams’ reliability.

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Next, external medical professionals review the questions to provide an objective perspective and identify any errors or improvements. The refined questions are then assembled using the System for the Administration of Medical Exam and Item Banks (SABERMED). This system ensures that the final exams meet all the necessary criteria and competencies.

The exams are then uploaded to the Integrated Examination Application System (SIAEX), where they are given to students. After the exams are taken, a psychometric analysis is done to check how effective the questions are. This whole process ends with the official grading and the release of institutional reports, making the evaluation system transparent and accountable.

Navarro Escalera expressed great pride in the team’s success, noting that this recognition from AMFEM proves their hard work and dedication. She thanked the SEM authorities, the Department of Digital Health, and Dr. Ana Carolina Sepúlveda, Director of the Faculty of Medicine, for their continuous support.

In another remarkable project, titled “Digital Literacy in Dentistry in Latin America: A Diagnostic Radiography,” the research team earned an honorable mention in the “Pechakucha” category. Led by Dr. Florina Gatica Lara, the study aimed to assess the level of digital literacy among dentistry faculty members across Latin America. This investigation revealed significant disparities in the adoption and use of digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) in dental education.

Dr. Gatica Lara explained that the study involved an online survey with 26 questions covering six dimensions: demographic information, disciplinary and academic training, teaching experience, use of technological resources, use of AI and generative AI applications, and perceptions of the future of AI in dental education. One of the main challenges was obtaining a representative sample, which the team overcame through various strategies, including email campaigns, social media outreach, and collaboration with dental associations. This approach enabled them to survey 230 faculty members from diverse dental schools and universities across Latin America and the Caribbean.

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The study highlighted an increasing interest in digital technologies and AI among dental educators. However, it also identified a significant knowledge and skills gap, underscoring the need for targeted training programs. The research emphasized the importance of developing digital tools tailored to clinical practice in the region and fostering collaboration with educational institutions, dental associations, and technology providers to enhance digital literacy.

Receiving the honorable mention at the Congress was a testament to the team’s dedication and the importance of their work. Dr. Gatica Lara emphasized that the recognition not only validated their efforts but also enhanced the visibility of their research, allowing them to reach a broader audience interested in digital literacy across various fields of knowledge.

In addition to these notable projects, SEM academics presented several other impactful studies at the Congress. In the “Poster” category, presentations included “Approach to Generative AI in Teaching: Experiences from an Introductory Workshop,” “Faculty Training at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine: An Analysis Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic,” “Doctor-Patient Relationship and Ethical Aspects in a Telemedicine Practice in Biomedical Informatics,” “Self-Regulated Learning: A Workshop to Teach How to Learn,” and “Technological Innovation and the Potential of Online Faculty Evaluation in Medicine: Lessons Learned and Recommendations.”

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The “Pechakucha” category also featured various investigations, such as “Life Purpose in Students of the Bachelor of Surgeon Degree at UNAM and Its Relation to Competence 8,” “System for the Administration of Exam and Item Banks in Medicine, an Initiative of the Department of Educational Evaluation at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine,” “Spiritual Competencies: A New Professional Competence in the Medical Curriculum?,” “How Do Medical Students Communicate? A Focus on Communication Profiles in Third-Year Medical Students in the Academic Progress Evaluation II,” and “School Management in the Educational Process of the Pediatrics Service at the General Hospital of Mexico.”

Moreover, the Congress included presentations like “Psychological Well-being in the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy,” “Cyber Vitamins of Artificial Intelligence for Health Sciences Faculty,” “3D Embryology Atlas Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” “Differentiated Profiles in Basic Sciences of the Bachelor of Surgeon Degree by Gender,” and “Reasoning Process in Teachers with Training in Medical Education.” Additionally, the “Panel Session” featured the study “Violence in Medical Residencies.”

These achievements underscore the Faculty of Medicine at UNAM’s commitment to excellence in medical education and research. The recognition at the VIII International Congress on Medical Education not only highlights the faculty’s innovative contributions but also sets a benchmark for future educational endeavors. As these projects continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly shape the landscape of medical education, ensuring that it remains dynamic, inclusive, and at the forefront of technological advancement.

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